
Leeds United: TTGM and the transparent accounts

Time To Go, Massimo – will protests rise or fall?

With a three month spread of contributors and contributions showing marked fall-offs –  contributions to TTGM’s fighting fund falling by 85% and contributors dropping off by 69%, are those the bells of a death knell ringing in the distance. In other words, are the falling contributions and contributors a sign of a disaffected donator base.

As Cellino becomes more and more entrenched in his ownership of Leeds United, as the long-awaited ‘Rule K’ decision seems to drift further away, is the TTGM protest surge suffering from fan apathy – the fringe contributors dropping away and leaving only a hardcore element as the chief donators?

If this is the case, how long can the protest hope to remain viable without either fresh contributor input or further outrage from Massimo Cellino – which to be honest is bound to happen.

The challenge for TTGM will be to keep the protest in the public eye and psyche over the summer months – in doing so keep it fresh. Any stagnation could be deadly for the fan protest group, especially if they have to kickstart it afresh again come the start of the season.

Added to all of this, if there is significant investment and fans feel a surge of optimism, could this resurgence of spirit also damage the prospects of continuing what have been innovative protests against Massimo Cellino?

Time will tell on all, that time isn’t now though.

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